About Us
Balkansambel - Two words blended together, forming the name of the original group of broad-minded musicians, describe not only the subjective of their musical interests but also – through the wordplay – their approach towards music. Playing with music and stylistic of different music genres, various traditions, different periods of time, blending of musical motives and their conceptualized meanings, the joy from spontaneous creation spiced with unconventional approach towards musical thinking; all this can be found in the varied repertoire of this band.
Even though that Balkansambel draws inspiration mainly from the traditional music of Balkan cultures, it deals also with folk, classical and jazz music to a certain extent. Multigenre experience of its members enables them to mix seemingly incompatible musical styles. Flexible rhythmics of Balkan dances adds the original esprit to the music. What is more, the musical composition is refreshingly blended with free improvisation. Last but not least, the band uses most various exotic musical instruments typical for the Balkan and Middle Eastern music tradition. The Balkansambel band offers dynamic musical performance enriched with witty comments and remarks. Its performance will satisfy the high-stepping audience as well as the demanding one.
Marek Pastírik – saxophone, kaval, gaida, duduk, taragot
Martin Noga – trombone, bass trumpet
Andrej Rázga – trumpet, flugelhorn
Peter Hrubý – accordion
Juraj Hodas – tuba
Viktória Pastíriková – clarinet, voice
Martin Králik – drums, percussions
Veronika Važanová – voice
Zuzana Burianová – voice
Anna Kureková – voice
„Identity in Abstraction is how Balkansambel approaches towards music. Joyful, refreshing, invigorating, Balkansambel is Balkan Music as you never listened before! Don´t forget to dance!“ CARLOS BORGES FERREIRA, MUSIC EDITOR/PRODUCER, CFBWEBRADIO DIRECTOR, PORTUGAL
„Right from the first note, Šlamastika is an outburst of creativity and infectious joy.
It is striking how effortlessly Balkansambel forges the bridge between folk tradition
and contemporary jazz, confecting a seamless blend that can even incorporate
Gillespie’s "A Night In Tunisia", as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Naturalness is the key word! In spite of all their intricacy, the compositions never
sound contrived even for a second. The band’s playing leaves nothing to be desired
in its accuracy and energy. Add to this the mesmerizing voices of the guest singers,
and you get an exuberant, accomplished album bristling with ideas and musical fun.